Side wigs are the rage among today's audiences. The main reason they are so popular because they are made of human hair, and nothing artificial. Wigs lace wigs are far from that of earlier times, easily gave away their presence.
Modern wigs are worn by celebrities and the common public to change their appearance. If you go to the market in search of the main from two types of wigs wigs to choose from - one page wig wig and a lace front. Depending on your needs, you can set one of them. Those who are rich opt for more expensive solutions such as the regeneration of hair and hair transplant.
This is cosmetic surgery and the best option for hair growth. You will often see, celebrities and the rich and famous use these methods. But these are not for everyone. Process for the recovery of hair and hair transplants are quite expensive and can be used in each portfolio. So that people want the second option, the best way is full lace wig or a wig from the top, front. So what's the difference between a full lace wig Lace Wig and Front? The main difference is that cover your scalp. The perfect lace wig to cover his entire head, front lace wig and should only be paid at the point where the cable is on your forehead. How does this help you with the difference?
If you have problems with hair loss and even lace wig full Balder and perfect for you. Instead of a full head covering baldness appears, displaying the full title of healthy hair. On the other hand, the lace wig is for you if you have a problem with withdrawing from the hairline to the forehead to continue to increase in size. Lace wigs are also used to change the look of your hair cut in one, and is often used by celebrities.
Full lace wigs are used differently than the lace front wig. The first, the skull is used to cover the entire head and the wig is attached to the skull cap. Financial institutions are stuck with glue on the front, so as to cover only a small part of the forehead. Full lace wig can act as a natural hair. For the shape or style you like - a Palm salamanders, Braid, Updo, etc.
On the other hand, lace front wig can be stored in a style that was made. You can not comb, because it will be lost. While a full lace wig is more useful than a lace front wig is entirely up to you. Decide why you want your wig and it will be easier for you to choose between the two.