
UTexas - Austin Ads Feature 3D Screenings

The University of Texas at Austin is launching a campaign to promote the University on the new network of Longhorn and UT game shows or school events. The ads have pictures of a video projection on the UT Tower, which highlights the ancient and famous uses 3D graphics to make the building look as if it is made of spinning blocks that fit together like puzzle pieces .

The effort, via GSD & M in Austin, and Cut Collective, composed of five spots to expand from 10 years of college, "What starts here changes the world" tag.

Under the theme "Look Up," "Why," "Footsteps", "competition" and "Awards", the ads show pictures of known candidates such as Walter Cronkite, Michael Dell, heart surgeon Denton Cooley, NASA astronaut, Alan Bean, and writer John Coetzee, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

The first notice published August 26 in the network of Longhorn. The ads also will air the game on FSN stations like ABC and ESPN, UT giant screen, and online at www.UTexas.edu.

Kathleen Mabley, director of brand communication at the University of Texas at Austin, says most of the airtime will be the new Longhorn system on ESPN, "then it is a fairly specific audience of fans in Texas ".

Among the new networks for Longhorn, launched August 26 Mabley says ESPN partnership will be 90% of sports content. Two conferences have begun NCAA dedicated network, while a third will be in 2012, but UT is the first university to do solo.

"The goal is to reach our main base of the ancients.'s Not the financing of both the current situation, even if it is run very efficiently, we are a big university to ensure that budgets are tight and funding. Thus, A first objective is to motivate students to think beyond the next generation. "Mabley said there are about 400,000 living former UT Austin.

